Open Blocked Sites on Windows using Manual VPN

06:39 2 Comments

Here is a fantastic article about use of VPN. You can easily access all blocked sites on your windows.If your VPN connection is established then your are secure and you can easily access blocked sites. VPN also encrypts your browsing data so that no one can see your browsing history or your browsing data. You can use VPN on your whole operating system or you can use it on your browser separately. I will tell you that how can you manually set VPN connection to your windows. I have found a tremendous VPN site.
You can also access free Socks and PPTP VPNs using the site. you can check this site by clicking Here. Below is a complete method to open blocked sites using free VPN.

Set-up your VPN connection on Windows

I am using windows 8 right now so I explained my method on Windows 8. Using this method, your all operating system will connect to VPN and it will apply to all of your browsers automatically. Once your connection is established, you can open blocked sites on all of your browsers. Below are easy steps for doing this.

1. Go to Control Panel. You can access Control Panel by searching it on Windows 8 search bar which appears when you move your cursor to the top right corner of your screen.

2. Now click on View Network Status and Tasks under Network and Internet. One thing to be remember that your View Style is must be Category.

3. After clicking it, a window will open. Now click on Set up a new connection or network.

4. Now click on Connect to a work place and click Next.


5. Check No, create a new connection and click on Next

6. Now click on Use my Internet Connection (VPN).

7. Now it will ask you Internet Address and your Connection name. You can get you Internet address from this Link. Internet Address is basically the IP address of VPN Connection.

Just copy the Internet Address from this site and paste it after Internet Connection. Now name your connection in Destination Name tab and click on create. Now your VPN connection has been created.

8. Now the question is that how to connect your VPN. It is very easy. Open your network connections by clicking on icon of signals at bottom right of your screen and select your VPN connection and click on Connect. It will ask you User name and Password. Your user name and password is located at above mentioned site right after your Internet address. Just copy your login from above site and click on connect and your VPN Connection is ready to use. You can browse blocked sites. watch videos and do more stuff.

Insert Power or Write Equation in Microsoft Word

06:22 Add Comment
An office is incomplete without MS Office and especially MS Word. MS Word is a typing program and is used to write all types of English documents,newspapers, books, magazines etc. No other typing software can replace MS Word. You can prepare your assignments, office work and homework in it. People who know how to operate a computer also know a little bit about usage of MS Office and MS Word. But there are some things that a common user can't type in MS Word like Powers, Chemical Equations, Fractions etc. A common man does not know how to insert specific symbols and powers in Word.
But they are very easy to write and you can easily write mathematical terms in MS Word without any delay. Below are some importants tips to do so

Insert Power in MS Word

1. Open your word document and write your number. For example, if you want to write 2power8 in Word, just type 28.
2. Now select the number 8 and Right Click on it and click on Font.

3. When you will click on Font, a window will open. Now select Superscript and click on OK. Now your number 8 will become the power of 2. There are other effects like Subscript, Strikethrough etc. in Font window. You can check them by selecting them.

Now your power is successfully added and you have done your work.

How to Write a Chemical Equation

1. Open MS Word. For example, you want to write the below equation:

2. Just write equation with simple words i.e CuO + H2SO4 ------>  CuSO4 + H2O. After writing select your special characters i.e number of molecules. You can select all of them by pressing Control Key. After selecting, write click on them and click on Font, a window will appear, select Subscript in it and click on OK and your equation is done.
3. You can insert Arrow by going to Insert----> Shapes----->Arrow

Install a Custom Cursor Scheme for Windows

22:52 Add Comment
I know that every computer user loves to use many type of cursors & pointers. You can download cursors from many platforms and you can use them but you can't use them permenently. After installing windows, your curosrs will be vanished and you will have to select your favourite cursors from start and it is very irritating. You have to browse each cursor. Now it is the world of ease and we are making it more easy. I will tell you now that how can you make your custom cursor scheme. You can save all of your favourite cursors to this scheme and then you will Apply this scheme on your Windows and all of your cursors will be ready to use.

How to Install a Custom Cursor Scheme Without Browisng 

1. First of all,open your Notepad and paste the following code in it.


CopyFiles = Scheme.Cur, Scheme.Txt
AddReg    = Scheme.Reg

Scheme.Cur = 10,"%CUR_DIR%"
Scheme.Txt = 10,"%CUR_DIR%"

HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes","%SCHEME_NAME%",,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%pointer%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%help%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%work%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%busy%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%cross%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Text%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Hand%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%unavailiable%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Vert%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Horz%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Dgn1%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Dgn2%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%move%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%alternate%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%link%"

Vertical Resize.cur
Horizontal Resize.cur
Diagonal Resize 1.cur
Diagonal Resize 2.cur


CUR_DIR       = "Cursors"
SCHEME_NAME   = "Linux Cursors"
pointer       = "Normal.cur"
help          = "Help.cur"
work          = "thinking.ani"
busy          = "Busy.ani"
text          = "Text.cur"
unavailiable  = "Unavailable.cur"
vert          = "Vertical Resize.cur"
horz          = "Horizontal Resize.cur"
dgn1          = "Diagonal Resize 1.cur"
dgn2          = "Diagonal Resize 2.cur"
move          = "Move.cur"
link          = "Link.cur"
cross         = "Precision.cur"
hand          = "Handwriting.cur"
alternate     = "Alternate.cur"
2. Now save your Notepad file as Install.inf
3. Download the Linux Cursor Package from Below Link 

4. After downloading, copy the Install.inf file and paste it to the folder where all cursors are located. For example, when you will download the Linux Cursor Package then you see that all cursors are located in Zip folder. So first Extract this Zip Folder and then paste the Install.inf file in your Cursor Folder. I have pasted the Install.inf in Cursors folder.

5.  After pasting, open your Install.inf file and Replace all Cursor names inside Inverted Commas according to the names of Cursors which are present in Folder. For example, you will have to write the name inside Inverted Commas which is the name of your desired Cursor. I have coloured the names of curosrs inside inverted commas in above code. You can also change the scheme name by changing Blue Color Code Inside Inverted Commas.

6. After changing all of your names, save your Install.inf file. After saving, Right Click on your Intsall.inf file and Click on Install.

7. When you will click on Install, your Cursor Scheme will automatically install and you can use your cursor scheme by going to Control Panel-----> Mouse------>Pointers------->Scheme-------->Linux Cursors.

8. I have tried my best to explain each & everything to you. If you still have any hesistation about above topic the you can freely ask.

Convert White Or Black Background To Transparent In Photoshop

02:59 Add Comment

Salam to all my dear blog readers. I know that you would think  why I am posting after a very long time. The reason is that my studies are quite difficult & I spend a lot of time on my books. So I am not able to continue my posting on daily basis or you can say monthly basis. But today I am little bit free and my passion to teach you people has aroused. I will tell you now that how can you change white or black background to transparent using Adobe Photoshop.
The method is quite easy and many people know about it but some people don't. Sometimes we download pictures from internet and they have white or black background and we want to remove these backgrounds and make them transparent  because we want to use the picture for different styles and shades. Here is a very simple method to change backgrounds.

How To Change White To Transparent

1. Open your desired picture on Photoshop which has white background.

2. Now if your image is locked then you will have to convert your locked image into Layer. For doing this, Double Click on your Small Locked Image in Layer Menu and then click Ok.

3. In layer Menu, Right click on your image layer and select Blending Options.

 4. After selecting Blending Options, a window will appear. Now drag the 1st  Highlight Bar to the Left. As you drag, you will see that your image background is changing from white to transparent. Stop Dragging when you see that the white background has disappeared and click on OK.

 Now your white background has completely changed to transparent.

How To Change Black To Transparent

5. For changing black to transparent, Steps 1,2,3 are same but in step 4, you will have to drag the first Highlight Bar to the Right and your black background will disappear.

Now you have done all steps and you can customize your Picture. I hope that this article will be helpful for you and if you have any problem about above article then you can ask in comments.

Create a Simple Contact Form for Blogger

00:33 Add Comment
Contact form is very necessary thing for any blogger. Visitors ask their problems and question to you from this form. You can answer their problems and related questions easily through this form. Many sites give you facility to create contact form. You can choose different sites to create your form but is very simple and best site to create your form. You can fill so little instructions to create your form. Follow below steps to creating your simple form.

Create a Contact Form

1. Go to, Set your settings, Type your Email(where the messages will be send) and click on Create Formular.

2. Now copy the given code, Go to Blogger & create a new page.
3. Click on Html button placed on the top of page and paste the whole code.
4. Now Click on Compose to see your page look, Set your page title and Publish your page.
5. You will see a simple contact page on your Blog.

How to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows

23:12 Add Comment
Here is an article about taking screenshot in Microsoft Windows. Screenshot is very important thing for running your blog/website smoothly. Search engines index your blog with the help of snapshot. Search engines easily understand your article purpose from snapshots. If your blog/site has less snapshots then your blog will not be popular more. Screenshot make your blog beautiful and attracts many visitors.
Taking screenshot in Microsoft Windows is very easy and you do not face any problem while doing this. Follow below steps to take a screenshot.

How to Take an Entire Screen Snapshot

1. If you want to take an entire screen snapshot then press Print Screen button from your keyboard.

2. After taking snapshot, go to Paint or any other program like Adobe Photoshop and press Ctrl+V to see your Snap.

How to take a specific window Snapshot

1. If you want to take a Separate Window Snapshot then hold down Alt and press Print Screen button.

2. Now open your program and press Ctrl+V to see your Snap.

        If you have any problem about above topic then you can freely ask me in comments.

Hidden Bluetooth Software in Windows Xp

00:53 Add Comment
Bluetooth is a fantastic capability of any device. We can receive and send files from one device to another through Bluetooth. I think nowadays, there is no smart phone or device which has not the facility of Bluetooth. Windows 7 and other operating systems like Mac, Linux and Ubuntu are now considered more reliable and easy sources of program handling but many people use windows xp this time. They think that windows xp is best operating system and no any other can compete it. These talking's are well to some extent and that's why i publish some articles about windows xp. Now i am about to tell you about hidden Bluetooth software in windows xp. You would have faced many problems while transferring and receiving file via Bluetooth. You have to install a separate software for using Bluetooth. I will tell you that how to you receive and send files without any software in windows xp because windows xp has it's own Bluetooth software.
Read full article for your hidden Bluetooth software.

How to Get Hidden Bluetooth Software

1. Go to Start--> Run
2. Type "Fsquirt" in text box.

3. Now Bluetooth File Transfer Wizard will open. Click on Next button to select your settings.

4. You can select option according to your wish. If you want to receive file then choose Receive a File and if you want to send a file then choose Send a File.

Now wizard will guide you completely for respective settings.